A life with God!
Dear reader,
True Christian hope is not just forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ, our Lord, but also in the hope of God's glory. Now we experience the joy of His presence. Hope is not in itself, what we have done, are doing and will do, but in God what He has done, is doing and will do. He is Powerful and He Never Dares. God is now acting in us to sanctify us and make us like His Son. When Lord Jesus returns for the second time, God will completely transform our being into the glory of the sons of God with a new body similar to Christ. We will exemplify the glory of God, the glory of His sons, reigning with Christ.
But all creation is looking forward to be transformed into a new earth and to appear the sky in the appearance of the sons of God, for "the burning desire of the creature awaits with anticipation the appearance of the sons of God" (Romans 8.19). "See what great love the Father has given us, that we may be called the sons of God ... Beloved, now are the children of God, but yet not what we shall be, but know that when He appears, We will be like unto him "(1 John 3: 2). The Lord's love escapes from sins in the bosom, makes them His children, and He will give the inheritance of His sons. "Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who through his great mercy reigns to us for a living life through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death, for an indescribable, unblemished and unblemished inheritance, Which is kept in heaven for you "(1 Peter 1: 3-4).
Creation groans at the birth of pain for a new world where God's sons will govern. Martin Lloyd-Jones says: "I wonder if the spring phenomenon gives us a partial answer. Nature, every year, as we can say, makes an effort to renew itself, to produce something permanent: it has emerged from death and darkness In the spring, it seems as if trying to bring about a perfect creation, to pass through a birth pain year after year, but fatally without success, because spring brings only the summer, while summer brings autumn and autumn the winter. Every year to defeat the "vanity", the death, decay, and decay that it has occupied, it fails every time. Struggle so far. "A new world will arise in the appearance of the sons of God.
This is the great, single, sure and glorious hope of the Christian, of Christ that is our life, and that we will appear together with Him in glory!
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